
My name is Amanda and I’m from Northern Michigan. Art has always been a huge part of my life, and I never imagined I would be creating for a living, but here I am and it’s been quite the adventure. In the fall of 2019, my Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer and I found that creating art was my way of coping. I soon realized that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

During the summer I work on Mackinac Island at a clothing boutique called Nephews of Mackinac. Having a seasonal job allows for a plenty of free time during the winter months to paint.

It’s been a dream of mine to create a space where I can share my work with the world, hoping to inspire individuals and bring light into lives during uncertain times.

I’m incredibly thankful for the amount of love and support I’ve received from family, friends, and strangers. Because of you, I can continue to do what I love. Thank you for being here.


“Go and find what it is that inspires you, go and find what it is that you love, and go and do that until it hurts.”

-Joanna Gaines